How to disable notification from specific site or from all site

Steps to disable notification from specific site or from all site:

  1. Go to google Chrome.
  2. You will three dots in the right top site below close icon. Click that three button.
  3. Now go to settings and click.
  4. Now go to buttom of the page and you will see advanced. Click that.
  5. Then you will see Site setting option. Click that.
  6. You will see Notification option. click that.
  7. Now you can see the site which is blocked and the sites which is not blocked.
  8. You will see three dots in every site. Click that.
  9. There will be three option( Block , Edit or Remove )
  10. If you want to block then click block, or if you want to remove then click remove.
  11. Thats all . Enjoy.


Thank you. Stay tuned with us for more amazing tutorials.

Note: This post is written on 2076.10.12, so you may don’t see the following setting in future.



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