The Best sim for Business and Entrepreneurs In Nepal

Nowadays there are many sim cards available in the city. But the best one is NCELL BIZ+ SME Sim.

Below are the details:

  1. Get unlimited calls from 6 AM to 6 PM ( To all Ncell Network) ( This will be very helpful for VOICE Marketing)
  2. Get 299 Minutes for all networks. (Like NTC, LANDLINE, Smart Sim)
  3. Get 299 SMS ( This will be very helpful for bulk SMS or SMS marketing)
  4. Get 4GB Data ( This will be very helpful for Social Media Marketing
  5. FNF service for 2 choosen number.( Friends aNd Family service is very helpful for team management.) ( Free calls and SMS all the time.
  • What is the package price?

This is 299 package/ month. With tax = Rs 392/Per Month


  • Who can apply for this?

People who are registered in any business or who have id card of any business can apply for this SIM card.


  • Where to contact?

You can contact to nearest NCELL center or contact ( Ohm Solution Pvt Ltd ) 

  • What document do you need?

If you are an individual then you have to provide the below details:

a. One photo

b.One citizenship copy

c. And your id card

d. You have to fill individual Ncell Form.


If you are a company then you have to provide the below details:

a. One photo

b. Citizenship photocopy

c. Registration Photocopy

d. An application letter with letterhead and stamp

e. You have to fill corporate Ncell form.


I hope it will help you and your business.

If you have any questions regarding this then you can comment below or contact me.






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